ANOT Studio
There is something common between flowers and coffee.
“Cotton flowers signify the people and happiness that we cherish”
There is something common between flowers and coffee. They are both gifts from nature, requiring nutriment and nourishment. In different seasons different flowers bloom. In different periods will different coffees be harvested.
Some travel far to see the sakura in Tokyo, the cotton trees in Taiwan, the tulips in the Netherlands. Some travel far to stop over at award-winning coffee shops.
To most of us, flowers and coffee are not a necessity. But happiness when being called to mind.
Despite our shop advocating simplicity, by the window are the flowers and plants gifted by our friends. There is a saying, “Cotton flowers signify the people and happiness that we cherish”
「anot」取字於一日本文學美學觀念「物之哀」(物の哀れ),英文為「Mono no aware」,意譯「the ahh-ness of things」。「物之哀」初能體現在日本賞櫻習俗之中,櫻花短暫盛放,隨之隕落,花開花落,隨天氣環境而變,之為無常,故此珍貴,亦為其美之所在。月之圓缺,人之老逝,世事萬物亦同樣不斷流轉,皆也短暫、瞬變。當心為人與物所動,樂之同時,哀必隨之,哀源於其樂也。「anot」一字,乃我們對花與植物的體驗,亦是我們對萬物之感受。作花同時,體現萬物之美,亦直視隨其之哀。